January 23, 2024

Hello fabulous moms! We hope you managed to submit your referrals on time for the exciting free iPad giveaway. If you missed the chance this time around, don't worry – more opportunities are on the horizon. Stay tuned for February, and in the meantime, keep spreading the love by sharing our newsletter with your fellow mom friends!

As you dive into our latest newsletter, the past few weeks have brought some intriguing insights, especially in the realm of tween beauty. We're here to help unravel and understand these trends, ensuring you stay in the loop with the latest and greatest in the world of parenting. Let's embark on this journey together! 🌟

Congrats to our iPad Giveaway Winner: Regina D from Concord, WA!

  • Battling the Exercise Blues: Discover how to transform your fitness routine from a chore into an enjoyable experience.

  • Sephora's Skincare Dilemma: Navigating the Maze of Tween and Teen Beauty Trends

  • Toddler Detectives: Decoding the 'Why' behind every question.


Exercise doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym.

The gym isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. In fact, 50 percent of new gym members quit within 6 months of signing up. The good news is that there are many other ways to exercise and stay active – you just have to find the right fit for your schedule and what makes you happy.

How can you make exercise more enjoyable?

👧👦 Channel your inner child. TODAY.com wonders why we stopped running around and playing outdoors like we did as children. Kids enjoy exercising without realizing that's what they're doing – let's shift our mindset to do the same! Whether it's biking, dancing, or ice skating, these fun activities count as exercise.

 🗣️ Make it social. BYRDIE suggests finding friends with like-minded fitness goals to exercise with. Take a fitness class or join a local rec team for your favorite sport (mine is tennis)! It not only holds you accountable but is also way more fun.

Exercise is only one part of wellness. As moms, we should look at our health as a whole, too. SELF has an incredible article on exactly that: How to Feel a Little Better in 2024. I’ve pulled a few of my favorite points…

  • Feel Better Physically: Book your annual appointments by the end of January and go to bed earlier (that’s a favorite of mine😆). 

  • Feel Better Mentally: Remind yourself everything is temporary. 

  • Move Your Body: Stretch more! Staying flexible reduces injury risk and aches.

  • Feel Better in Relationships: No more excuses for the “friend” who makes you feel bad. 


Ten-year-olds have better skincare products than me.

It's concerning when ten-year-olds boast a better skincare regimen than I do. If you're a parent navigating the world of tween beauty, you've probably witnessed the evolution from the days of basic skincare to today's sophisticated choices.

Back in my tween days, Sephora and Ulta were unattainable goals, and my skincare routine consisted of Cetaphil face wash, Stridex toner pads, and Olay moisturizer. Fast forward to today, and tweens are embracing ‘prejuvination’💆‍♀️’—a term that essentially means preventive treatment for aging. This trend, fueled by Gen Z (26 years old and under), has led Gen Alpha to raid the shelves of Sephora.

Now, if your daughter's Christmas list included skincare products, it's crucial to know what's green-lit 🟢and what's a no-go

  • VICE advises sticking to cream-based cleansers like Aveeno or Cetaphil. The mantra for this age group is simple: cleanse, moisturize, and SPF—nothing more.

  • Tiny Beans warns against the allure of retinol, vitamin C, exfoliating acids, toners, eye creams, and peptides for tween skin. 

The question arises: who's to blame for this skincare frenzy among the younger generation?

Gen Alpha has become the subject of ridicule on social media, with older generations mocking their luxury skincare obsession. The blame game points fingers at millennial parents, labeling them as the creators of the "iPad kids." Business Insider delves deeper into this phenomenon.

🫧🧴So, should tweens and teens have a skincare routine? 

According to doctors, establishing healthy skincare habits is a fantastic idea. However, the resounding 'no' echoes when it comes to the expensive products they clamor for. It seems the quest for youthful skin can start with good habits, minus the hefty price tags.


Raising a toddler is like having a tiny detective who asks, 'Why?' on a loop.

In his early years, my son was a question maestro. One day, my parents were chauffeuring him around and per usual he was a 3 or 4-year-old inquisition machine. Dad, a bit overwhelmed, asked, "Why so many questions?" Quick as a flash, my son quipped, "Because that's my job." And he was spot on. Being curious is a child's job description—a charming way they understand and learn about the world around them!

How can you answer your child’s questions in a way that sets them up for success? From Today’s Parent

  • Show appreciation. Express to them that their questions hold great value, and their curiosity is a treasure worth cherishing.

  • Control misinformation. In a world filled with early exposure to information, providing a secure and trustworthy haven for answers is vital for children, fostering trust as they navigate more complex decision-making stages.

  • Open communication. Encourage open communication, value your child's curiosity, and assure them of your constant support to build a strong relationship in navigating life.

“Establishing yourself as the primary confidant in your child's life as early as possible is essential. When children feel secure and loved, they are more likely to develop the emotional tools necessary to cope with life's challenges.” – Child Psychologist, Dr. Jillian Roberts.

The ‘why’ behind the ‘why’ questions.

Parent Circle explains children bridge knowledge gaps by asking questions, fostering curiosity, enhancing language skills, and expanding vocabulary—an endeavor that has led to numerous remarkable inventions.

Have Mommy & Me classes gone too far? A studio in Atlanta is offering pole dancing classes for parents and kids. While some may find it hard to wrap their heads around, others believe it's no different from ballet or gymnastics. After all, it's now recognized as a sport and may even secure a spot in the Olympics.


Shelf-stable breast milk. Leche is a service that will freeze-dry your breast milk for extended storage. Check out an honest review from PN Mag here.

From Reading Rainbow to Reading Robot. Microsoft’s AI reading tutor now personalizes learning for free.

Purposeful lollipops. Transform natural ingredients you have at home into lollipops to soothe coughs and sore throats.

Start the timer. A 3-minute surface sweep can instantly transform your home. Find out more here.

Costco Edition
I make it a monthly ritual to visit Costco, where I replenish our household essentials and never-ending snacks. Today, I'm excited to share some of our favorite picks—mine and my kids! Join me in exploring the joys of Costco hauls. 🛒✨

Clovis Farms Organic Super Smoothie: I add in peanut butter and protein powder. It makes for a delicious, healthy snack and is super easy to make since it comes with pre-portioned bags!

Country Archer Grass-Fed Beef Stick Minis: My four-year-old loves these. They are extremely easy to chew and the perfect size for a nutritious kid's snack!

Pure Organic Layered Fruit Bars: OK, these aren’t an ideal snack but as a treat, it’s a great alternative to fruit snacks.

Kirkland Cheese, Fruit & Nut Packs: Covers all the bases for a yummy, filling snack. An easy lunch-box stuffer, too!


Hey mamas! Looking for some enchanting indoor activities to spark your kids' imaginations? We've got just the thing! Check out these magic tricks that will add a touch of magic to those cold or rainy days.

A few favorite tricks from Care.com.

🥄Bending Spoon Trick: Watch in amazement as ordinary spoons defy gravity! 

✏️Magnetic Pencil Magic: Unleash the power of magnets with this fascinating pencil trick. 

🃏 Mommy Poppins has a great “Find Any Card In The Deck” trick. Become a card wizard with this captivating card illusion.

Kid-Friendly Card Magic: Dive into the world of card tricks with these easy and impressive maneuvers. Watch the tutorial here.

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