July 16, 2024

Paris 2024: These 4 exciting new sports are making their Olympic debut.

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Good morning, mamas. It’s fair to say that this weekend was a lot. The attempted assassination has left us all feeling a bit unsettled, prompting us to reflect on our world and our place in it. In times like these, it's important to take care of ourselves and find moments of relief. Remember to prioritize your well-being amid the heavy news. We’re all in this together.

  • Paris 2024: These 4 exciting new sports are making their Olympic debut.

  • From Battlefield to Playground: Mastering the art of sibling peacekeeping.

  • Summer with a Purpose: 5 fun family service projects.


Breakdancing at Paris 2024?

The summer Olympics are just around the corner, and this year, Paris is bringing a bit of extra flair to the games. Get ready to see 4️⃣ new sports integrated into the lineup, one of which is making its Olympic debut. Here’s the lowdown on what’s new and exciting for Paris 2024.

Ever imagined a breakdance battle on the Olympic stage? Well, it's happening! Breaking, also known as breakdancing, is stepping up from the streets to the Olympics. Originating in the Bronx during the 1970s, breaking will showcase B-boys and B-girls in a high-energy, acrobatic dance-off. Judges will score based on creativity, personality, technique, and more. Expect to see some serious moves and surprises with each DJ’s beat.

Sport climbing is not for the faint-hearted. It features three intense formats:

🧗Bouldering: Climbers scale 4.5m walls without ropes in the fewest attempts.

🧗Speed: A thrilling race to the top in head-to-head elimination rounds.

🧗Lead: A test of endurance, with climbers ascending 15m walls in six minutes without seeing the route beforehand.

Sport climbing made its debut in Tokyo 2020, and it’s back to challenge the best climbers in the world.

Skateboarding returns with skaters judged on their height, speed, and use of obstacles. Each athlete gets three 45-second runs, with their best score counting. Expect gravity-defying tricks and jaw-dropping stunts.

Surfing made waves at Tokyo 2020 and is back for more. Surfers will be judged on their maneuvers, speed, power, and flow as they ride the waves. It's a sport where the ocean is both the stage and the biggest challenge.

📌 For a complete list of all the Olympic sports, check out this alphabetical listing of all competitions.


From battlefield to playground.

Sibling fights can transform a peaceful home into a battlefield, but don't worry—there are effective strategies to restore harmony. Handling sibling skirmishes like a pro is possible with the right approach and mindset. 

Break up the fight before the tears start. First, separate your kids or send them to opposite sides of the room to give everyone a chance to cool down. Keep your own cool to prevent escalation, saving your energy for when the storm has passed. Let your children know you’ll discuss the issue later, once everyone’s calm, even if that means waiting until the next day.

Apply consequences fairly: if there’s a fight over a toy, no one gets the toy. Avoid statements like “You’re older, you should know better,” which only fuel resentment. Instead, treat each child according to their age and maturity.

Understanding why your kids are fighting helps you address the real issue. Reinforce positive behavior with clear expectations like, “We speak kindly.” Plan ahead for how you’ll handle small disagreements versus big blow-ups, ensuring consistency.

🗣️Teach them to use the phrase “When you ___, I feel ___,” to express feelings without anger.

After things have calmed down, let your kids know what you’re going to do. Have both kids explain their side of the story, then brainstorm solutions together, rating them and choosing the best one.

Try creative consequences. 

  • Set a timer for five minutes and have your kids give each other compliments.

  • Writing heartfelt apology letters can mend hurt feelings. 

  • Engaging in service projects, like baking cookies for a neighbor, fosters teamwork.

Celebrate cooperation by catching your kids playing nicely and praising them. Aim for 3️⃣ positive interactions for every conflict you intervene in. 

🥰Need a smile? Check out this hilarious viral video of sibling love—it’s guaranteed to make you laugh and remember the sweet side of sibling relationships.


Summer with a purpose.

We’re midway through summer, and while lounging by the pool is great, how about sprinkling in some good deeds?  We’ve rounded up five fun and impactful family service projects to make your summer memorable and meaningful

  1.  Community Clean-Up Day: Get the fam together for a day of cleaning up your local park or beach. Think gloves, trash bags, and some good old-fashioned teamwork. Not only does it beautify your community, but it also teaches the kiddos about environmental stewardship. Win-win!

  2. Volunteer at a Food Bank: Spend a day sorting and packing food donations at your local food bank. It’s a humbling experience that helps those in need and gives your family a sense of gratitude and community spirit. Plus, it’s a great way to beat the summer heat indoors!

  3. Create Care Packages for the Homeless: Assemble care packages with essentials like toiletries, snacks, and socks. Gather donations from friends and neighbors, then distribute them to local shelters. This project fosters empathy and shows kids the impact of small acts of kindness.

  4. Visit a Nursing Home: Brighten someone’s day with a visit to a nursing home. Read stories, play games, or simply chat with the residents. It’s a heartwarming way to build intergenerational connections and learn the value of companionship.

  5. Host a Charity Yard Sale: Declutter your home and do some good by hosting a charity yard sale. Promote your sale, sell those gently used items, and donate the proceeds to a charity of your choice. It’s a fun way to teach kids about philanthropy and the joy of giving back.

🔗Check out the full list of 10 summer service ideas at For Every Mom.

Blush sticks are this summer's must-have for a perfect sun-kissed glow. ☀️ Easy to apply and long-lasting, these pocket-sized wonders offer versatile, creamy colors for cheeks, eyes, and lips. Skip the powders and embrace the simplicity and convenience of blush sticks for a radiant, fresh-faced look.


A new period product offers progress in women’s health by using an alginate-glycerol powder formula in traditional menstrual pads, transforming accumulated blood into a gel. This innovation allows the pad to absorb more blood and reduce leakage compared to traditional pads.

A sun-reflecting mirror burned a hole in a mom's son's car seat, prompting her to share a warning. Emily Perna noticed smoke and realized the mirror was causing the seat to burn. Child safety expert Jen Saxton noted this is the first such incident she has encountered in 15 years.

Elevator dings can indicate direction: one ding means it's going up, and two dings mean it's going down. This universal sound guideline, established by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, helps visually impaired individuals identify the elevator's direction.

Tackle Bedtime with Netflix Jr.’s Popular Podcast

  • Made to help kids drift off to sleep

  • Created with a childhood development expert

  • Features stories from Netflix series like StoryBots

🗣️ English gibberish? Video reveals how non-native speakers hear our language.

🛏️ Dorm room must-haves. 20 essentials every college student needs.

🏕️ Camp-tastic getaways. Top 10 family-friendly sites for 2024.

🧘 Posture perfect. A Pilates workout to help you stand tall.

❄️ Snow way! World's biggest indoor snow and ice park opens in China

Summer fun in two easy projects.

🌸 Flower Catcher: Turn nature walks into art sessions! Collect colorful flowers and leaves, and press them into a flower catcher frame. Not only is it a fantastic way to explore outdoors, but it also creates beautiful, sun-catching masterpieces to hang at home. See how it’s done 👈🏼

🦪 Oyster Shell Craft: Transform beach finds into gorgeous keepsakes. Clean and paint oyster shells for unique jewelry holders or decorative pieces. This eco-friendly activity is perfect for sparking creativity and keeps summer memories alive.

✨ Annalee and Karin ✨

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