September 13, 2024

Ever caught yourself chatting away to your reflection or explaining your grocery list to the air? No judgment here—because I just stumbled upon an article that’s making waves on TikTok about whether talking to yourself out loud is a good or bad thing. (Spoiler alert: it’s actually a lot more normal than we think!)

As moms, we’re constantly juggling tasks and talking through our day with our little ones (or just ourselves). Whether it’s narrating our to-do lists or negotiating bedtime deals, it turns out that this self-talk might be more beneficial than we realized. So next time you find yourself mid-monologue in the cereal aisle, just remember: you're not alone, and it might just be a sign of your inner multitasking pro at work.

  • Kids & Campaigns: How to Navigate Politics Without the Meltdowns

  • Love Lessons: The Secret Recipe for Happily Ever After (Spoiler: It’s Not Perfect)

  • Mane Attraction: Fall’s Hottest Hair Colors to Dye For


Parenting politics.

Election season is here, and the political buzz can feel like it’s everywhere—even your living room. Kids, with their endless curiosity, are bound to have questions. Here’s how to navigate those tricky conversations without losing your cool or their interest.

Answer What They Ask

Kids often ask questions they’re ready to hear answers to. Keep it simple and age-appropriate. If they want to know more, they’ll ask. And if they don’t, they’re likely not ready for it.

  • Preschoolers (ages 3-5): Keep it short and sweet—“Who, What, Why.”

  • Elementary (ages 5-10): Direct answers with validation. It’s all about making them feel smart.

  • Tweens (ages 11-13): Connection is key. Keep it concise to avoid feeling like a lecture.

  • Teens (ages 14-18): They’re ready for deeper discussions. Let them express their opinions without jumping to judgment.

Wonder About the Why

Once your child’s initial questions are answered, ask if they’re curious about anything else. Simple prompts like “Is there something you’re wondering about?” can open doors to more thoughtful discussions.

Focus on Feelings

Politics isn’t just about policies—it’s about values and emotions. Ask your child, “Is there something you’re worried about?” This shows that you’re open to hearing not just what they think but also how they feel.

Do More Listening Than Talking

It’s tempting to dive into a monologue, but your child’s voice matters too. Aim to listen more than you speak. If you find yourself dominating the conversation, pause and let your child lead.

Teach Healthy Conflict Resolution

Politics can get heated, but it’s a great opportunity to model respectful disagreement. Use phrases like:

  • “I’m curious about why you feel that way.”

  • “I hadn’t thought of it that way before. Tell me more!”

Lead by Example: Show Them the Voting Booth

If possible, take your kids with you on Election Day. It’s a tangible way to show the importance of civic engagement and remind them that every vote counts.

Election years can feel overwhelming, but they’re also full of opportunities for learning and growth. By staying calm, open, and curious, you’re not just talking about politics—you’re teaching your kids how to be thoughtful, engaged citizens.


Happy couple code.

Ever wonder what makes some couples seem like they’ve got it all figured out? Turns out, the happiest pairs share a few key traits that keep the love alive—even on the not-so-great days. Here’s the inside scoop on what the happiest couples have in common, backed by research.

They Don’t Expect Perfection

Newsflash: even the happiest couples argue. A lot. But they don’t expect to be happy all the time. Conflict is inevitable, and about 69% of it isn’t solvable. Instead of trying to change each other, they focus on finding ways to navigate their differences.

They Argue... Productively

According to research from the University of Tennessee Knoxville, happy couples argue, but they do it with a solution-oriented approach. They tackle the solvable stuff first, like chores, which builds confidence for when bigger issues arise. So next time you’re debating over dishes, see it as practice for the bigger stuff.

They Make Time for Touch

Physical touch isn’t just about sex. Holding hands, hugging, and even a quick shoulder squeeze all count. Studies show that couples who are happy with the amount of physical contact they have tend to be happier overall. So, sneak in those little touches—they’re more impactful than you think.

They Prioritize Sleep

Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed and immediately get annoyed with your partner? You’re not alone. Sleep quality directly affects how couples perceive their relationships. Poor sleep can lead to more conflict, less empathy, and overall lower satisfaction. So, don’t skimp on those ZZZs.

They Hang Out with Other Couples

Having couple friends can be a relationship booster. Studies have shown that spending time with other couples—especially those you can open up with—can help strengthen your own bond. So, plan that double date!

They Show Themselves Compassion

How you treat yourself often mirrors how you treat your partner. Self-compassion isn’t just good for you; it’s good for your relationship, too. So, cut yourself some slack, and you might just see your partnership thrive.

They Embrace a Team Mentality

Long-term happy couples operate as a team. Whether it’s tackling a tough situation together or picking up the slack when the other is down, they know marriage isn’t about keeping score. It’s about being there, appreciating each other, and understanding that nothing is ever truly 50/50.

Happy couples aren’t perfect, but they know how to work with what they’ve got. By embracing these traits, you and your partner can keep the love—and the happiness—going strong.


Fall-acious hair hues.

Pumpkin spice season is officially here, and it's not just your latte that’s getting a seasonal makeover—your hair wants in, too. Fall 2024 is all about warmth, depth, and a touch of drama. Here’s a quick rundown of the it colors this season:

  • Rose Crimson: This fall, reds are going deeper and bolder. Think rich crimson with a hint of pink shimmer for a jewel-toned vibe.

  • Smoky Brunette: Forget warmth; this lush, dark shade brings a cool, sophisticated edge to your fall look.

  • Chantilly Blonde: Keep your blonde but add a fall twist. This warm, creamy tone is as light and airy as the lace it’s named after.

  • Cayenne Copper: Want to spice things up? This fiery red with orange undertones is a standout for those ready to turn heads.

  • Bora Bora Bronde: It’s all about sun-kissed highlights meeting fall tones, creating a bronde that looks like a post-vacation glow-up.

Ready for your seasonal switch? Your fall hair color forecast just got hotter.

The game-changing “cleaning cart” hack from TikTok user @aesthetically_ally_ is a lifesaver for busy moms. This clever rolling cart helps quickly gather stray items and keep them out of sight, reducing clutter and stress. Ally’s approach not only clears your surfaces but also motivates the whole family to put things away, making home organization a breeze.


Selena Gomez is officially a billionaire, with a net worth of $1.3 billion at just 32 years old. Known for her successful career in entertainment and investments, she is now one of the youngest self-made billionaires in the U.S., according to Bloomberg.

Finland's secret to happiness is rooted in "sisu," a 500-year-old mindset of grit and perseverance. This cultural trait, which encourages determination in the face of adversity, is seen as a key factor behind Finland's six-year reign as the happiest country in the world.

Energy drinks pose hidden dangers, particularly due to their high caffeine content. Consuming more than 400 milligrams of caffeine a day can cause anxiety, rapid heartbeat, and dehydration, with some energy drinks packing nearly 300 milligrams per serving, so it's crucial to read labels before drinking.


Ever wonder what happens when Alanis Morissette gives her iconic song "Ironic" a hilarious 21st-century twist with James Corden?

🧊 Ice, ice lunchy. Freeze ahead school lunch ideas for a stress-free school week.

🎨 Is it blue or green? Time to test your eye with this color conundrum.

🎓 Campus classics. The best U.S. college towns to live out your student dreams.

☁️ Cloudy with a chance of creativity. Chris Judge’s daily cloud musings.

🍎Not so sweet. Apple juice sold at Walmart, Aldi and more recalled over arsenic concerns.

Ready to make the most of fall? From roasting pumpkin seeds to cheering at a football game, this list of 100 family-friendly bucket list ideas has you covered for all your autumn adventures.

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